Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Flickr Name
Other Name
I liked my Cool Text name better because there were a lot of choices compared to my Flickr name. I think Flickr was easier to use because all you had to do was click on an image until you get the one you want.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Faces of the World

     Voice Thread looks like a fun program to use. I really like how you can describe a picture by using a recording or by adding comments. One thing i don't like about Voice Thread is that it looks kind of confusing.
     Faces of the World was an interesting voice thread. I liked how it showed many different types of people, and told me where they were from.  One thing i didn't like about the Faces of the World was that some of the people looked really creepy. It describes 15 different countries including Greece, Iraq, the Bahamas, and many others. This voice thread also talked about some natural disasters, the economy, and what some of the countries are known for.
    World Travels is a very interesting voice thread. I really enjoyed it unlike the Faces of the World. I liked that it showed different pictures that the narrator took from all over the country. I liked that it showed pictures with a combination of people, animals, and famous landmarks. One thing i did not like about this voice thread was that it was really long, and the person talked for a long time.

Voices of the World
World Travels

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Great Blog

I really like Jami Drake's Blog. I like her really like her picture she has posted on her blog. I also like the background color. I really like how it goes with the color of the lettering.